Welcome to Pepe Treasure! 696911216969

The Riddle

I am the dawn of numbers, the twin pillars of the ancients. In my shadow lies the start of the journey. Seek me not in order, but in the pattern of Fibonacci.

With the key from the dawn, multiply by the Greek Pi, but this Pi is irrational in its very essence. Half of what you expect, but thrice the first.

Turn to the heavens and seek the constellation where the hunter aims. The stars tell a tale of ancient heroes, count them all but add the day of the week when the leap begins.

Combine your keys, the first doubled, the second halved, the third squared, and from the sum subtract the seconds in a minute, then add the digits of a century.


Message from heaven

Heed my words, for they hold the key to your destiny. Within the labyrinth of this riddle lies the exact 9 digits number that unlocks the treasure of legends. To those who can unravel the mystery and reveal the precise number: the treasure shall descend from the heavens, a reward for your cunning and wisdom. Know this, we shall observe your endeavors from the shadows, unseen, and we will be watching the chain, where all players will hold their answers with the rightful token amounts. Should the secret elude all, fortune will favor the one whose tokens are nearest to the mark. This solitary soul shall claim the coveted prize. May the shrewdest mind triumph. The hunt begins now.


The Treasure

Main Prize (Exact Match)

7,427,992,799 PEPETR (5.00% Supply)

View Prize Pool

Roll Down Prize (No Exact Match)

Closest 100,000,000 - 999,999,999 Token - 7,427,992,799 PEPETR (2.25% Supply)

Closest 10,000,000 - 99,999,999 Token - 3,301,330,133 PEPETR (1.00% Supply)

Closest 1,000,000 - 9,999,999 Token - 2,475,997,600 PEPETR (0.75% Supply)

Closest 100,000 - 999,999 Tokend - 1,650,665,067 PEPETR (0.50% Supply)

Closest 10,000 - 99,999 Token - 1,155,465,547 PEPETR (0.35% Supply)

Closest 1,000 - 9,999 Token - 495,199,520 PEPETR (0.15% Supply)

For example, if the answer is 123456789: Holder with token amount closest to 1,234 will get 0.15% supply, holder closest to 12,345 will get 0.35% supply, and so on.

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90% - Liquidity (Fair Launch)

5% - Initial Treasure Pool

5% - Marketing


1% / 1% : Buybacks for treasure Pool, so we can keep the game going with new riddles
